【清華英語授課專業成長伴飛計畫】114年3月17日(一) 報名截止,歡迎清大教師報名參加 ! NTHU EMI Professional Development Mentoring Program for faculty members | Deadline: 3/17 (Mon)
The NTHU EMI Professional Development Mentoring Program
為推動本校國際化,並推廣本校成為多語友善的學習環境,本校英語教學精進中心(EMI中心)推出「國立清華大學英語授課專業成長伴飛試行計畫」,目的是希望透過教師社群機制,協助本校教師進行EMI教學專業成長,並透過資深老師協助新手老師的方式達成互助互惠、知識交流共享之目的 ,本計畫將補助社群經營費、課程開發費、英語授課教材製作獎勵、降低授課學分數、英語授課業務費補助、EMI教學案例獎勵。
- 申請資格 :未曾參加過本計畫的本校專兼任教師(含約聘教師 )3或4人一組(每組含1名召集人 : 須為專任教師,1名資深教師mentor須滿足以下條件之一:具有3年英語授課經驗、參與本校或外校英語授課專業培訓20小時以上或具備英語授課輔導經驗、1或2名成員)
- 下載必讀要點及必填附件 :https://reurl.cc/nq4No8
- 申請方式 :成立3-4人社群、下載並填寫申請表及預算表、填寫Google表單
- 報名Google表單 :https://forms.gle/rz6pqWYaA5wR7RuU8
- 申請截止日 :請於:2025年3月17日 (一) 前完成填寫,方得申請本計畫;本表單須為召集人本⼈填寫,若內容有誤,須由召集人自行承擔。
- 社群執行期間:自核定日起至2025年7月31日 (四)。
- 核銷截止日 :2025年7月31日 (四)
- 成果報告截止日 :2025年8月29日 (五)。
- 常見問題 FAQ :https://reurl.cc/34Wjel
- 我們亦提供找隊友、mentor的媒合服務,歡迎您來信聯繫登記!
- 我們提供新手教學 : 申請表、規劃社群、估預算等、讓您簡易完成社群活動!
- 聯絡人:英語教學精進中心 張小姐
分機 :(03)571-5131 ext.35453
信箱 :ktchang@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
To promote the internationalization of our university and advance our institution as a multilingual-friendly learning environment, the Center for English Medium Instruction Excellence at National Tsing Hua University is launching the "National Tsing Hua University English Medium Instruction Professional Development Mentoring Pilot Program." This program aims to facilitate professional development activities in EMI teaching for our faculty through the mechanism of teacher communities, and to achieve mutual assistance, knowledge exchange, and sharing through the support of experienced teachers to less experienced ones. This program will provide subsidies for community management and EMI course development costs, rewards for creating English teaching materials, reduction of teaching credit requirements, financial support for EMI operations, and rewards for EMI teaching cases.
3-4 NTHU full-time or part-time faculty members who haven't participated in this program before (including contract instructors), comprising at least 1 full-time teacher serving as the community convener and 1 senior teacher (mentor) who meets one of the following criteria: has at least 3 years of experience in English-medium instruction, has participated in more than 20 hours of professional training in English-medium instruction at this or other institutions, or has experience in English-medium instruction mentoring.
Application Method:
1.Establish a teacher community (3 or 4 faculty members)
2.Read the program, the convener fills out the application form and the budget sheet for the group https://reurl.cc/nq4No8
3.The convener fills out the Google form below for the group
Application Deadline: Please complete this form by Mar.17, 2025 (Monday)
The convener must fill out this form personally, and any inaccuracies in the content will be the applicant's responsibility.
Program Duration & Expense Verification Deadline: From the approval date until Jul.31, 2025(Thursday).
Closure Report Submission Deadline: Aug.29, 2025 (Friday).
***We provide a service for finding teammates. If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact us to register! ***
*** We provide tutorials on applying for this program (including planning activities, estimating budgets, etc.) ***
Contact: Ms. Chang, Center for EMI Excellence
Email: ktchang@gapp.nthu.edu.tw Extension Number: (03)571-5131 ext.35453