
2024 NTHU 3MT Final Winners 第三屆清華大學三分鐘英語研究簡報決賽得獎者名單



Prize Winners for 2024 NTHU 3MT Competition Final Event

冠軍 Winner: 黃愛齡 Eileen Huang, Department of Chemical Engineering

                                  Title: How tomato gardening teaches us to improve lithium batteries?

並列亞軍 Tie for First Runner-up:

                      可李楠 Sabareeswaran Krishnan, Institute of Molecular Medicine

                                  Title: In search of a molecular warrior to fight aggressive breast cancer

                      程文裡 Anya Marie Cruz, Taipei School of Economics and Political Science

                                  Title: The Northeast Asian Semiconductor Paradox: Geopolitics, Alliances, and Technonationalism

季軍 Second Runner-up:

                      沐法漢 Mohammad Farhan Alkaff, Taipei School of Economics and Political Science

                                  Title: Fueling Progress? G20 Governance’s Impact on Energy Consumptions

人氣獎 People's Choice:

                      吳怡萱 Yi-Hsuan Wu, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering 

                                  Title: Drones That Listen: Revolutionizing Search and Rescue




Declaration: After the Final Event, it was discovered that two contestants had violated the competition rules. With the full approval of the Judging Panel, these two contestants were disqualified and the final results have been adjusted accordingly. We sincerely apologize for this oversight. We are committed to ensuring that such errors do not occur in the future. We promise to provide detailed explanations of the competition rules and the violation process to the Judging Panel in upcoming events. Additionally, we will strive to ensure fair and prompt adjudications during the Final Event. We deeply appreciate the dedicated service of the Judging Panel and extend our heartfelt thanks to all contestants for your understanding and support. Thank you for your continued trust and participation.
