
2024 NTHU 3MT 第三屆清華三分鐘英語研究簡報競賽


What is 3MT? 三分鐘英語研究簡報競賽簡介

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, founded by University of Queensland, commemorates the dynamic research endeavors undertaken by graduate students across various fields. 3MT seeks to foster students' abilities in academic discourse, presentation, and research communication. Presentations are strictly time-constrained (3 minutes), including fundamental research concepts and content. Contestants are urged to employ language suitable for a lay audience. English is the designated language for the entirety of the competition.

三分鐘研究簡報競賽源自於澳洲昆士蘭大學,提供各領域研究生口頭介紹自己原創研究的舞台,並希望透過 3MT 培養學生學術、簡報與溝通能力。比賽限時三分鐘,參與學生需用淺白易懂的方式說明研究內涵與概念。

Who is Eligible? 參賽資格
Graduate Students of NTHU from ALL disciplines.

How to register and submit your 3MT video? 初賽報名與影片上傳方式

Prepare a 3-minute video of you orally introducing your original research (video file size limit of 100MB).
You are allowed to use one static slide in your 3MT presentation or no slide at all. The use of a slide is optional.

The full face or ideally the upper body of the speaker need to appear in the video. Non-verbal delivery, such as eye contact, facial expression, hand gesture, etc. is encouraged.
Please fill out the registration form, and upload your 3MT video here
https://forms.gle/v8o5NY8b3oNU1KyH9 (Please follow the instruction on how to name your files).
準備一段3分鐘口說影片(檔案大小限制100MB)介紹你的原創研究。在影片中你可以使用一張靜態投影片輔助說明,或選擇不用投影片。影片需露臉,你才是 3MT 的主角。
填寫報名表與上傳影片:https://forms.gle/v8o5NY8b3oNU1KyH9 (請依照表單說明命名檔案名稱)

Final Selection 決賽過程

All successfully submitted 3MT videos will be reviewed by a panel of faculty from various disciplines. 
A total of 12 finalists will be selected. We will confirm with the final candidates for their availability of attending the final event. 
The finalist will be announced on our website by May 23rd, 6 p.m. Candidates who cannot attend the final event will be replaced by the contestant who receives the next highest score.


What’s more? 更多資訊

Not sure what to do or how to shine during your presentation? We will host a coaching session on May 10th, 12:00-1:00 pm.

Sign up HERE:https://forms.gle/USRUsfyxxePZTRej7

不知道如何準備或怎樣讓你的演講更精彩?歡迎參加5月10日12:00-1:00pm 舉辦的培訓活動。

Location 地點:Room 205, Side B, General Building II, NTHU(國立清華大學第二綜合大樓B側2樓205會議室)

When 活動時程

Video Submission 初賽影片上傳:即日起至May 16, 2024 | 11:59 pm
Finalist Released
決賽名單公佈:May 23, 2024 | 6:00 pm
Final Event
決賽時間:May 30, 2024 | 6:00 pm
地點:To be announced 待公布


2024 NTHU - 3MT Sign Up for Attending Final Event:https://forms.gle/cYRw1vXtuh5MY6pB9


