【EMI伴飛計畫】一起飛更強壯 清華EMI專業成長伴飛計畫開始申請 Together We Teach Better! NTHU EMI Professional Development Mentoring Program

申請方式:填妥報名表單線上申請 https://www.surveycake.com/s/xbmbe
- 申請截⽌⽇:請於 2024年4⽉14⽇(日)前完成填寫,⽅得申請本計畫;本表單須為教師本⼈填寫,若內容有誤須由申請⼈⾃⾏承擔。
- 伴飛計畫說明會:2024年3⽉22⽇(五)12:15 https://meet.google.com/xwu-wgsq-pbx
- 執⾏時間與核銷截⽌⽇:⾃核定⽇起⾄113年7⽉31⽇(三)。
- 成果報告繳交截⽌⽇:2024年8⽉30⽇(五)。
- 計畫相關申請表單:https://reurl.cc/nrbVLe
- 承辦人:教學發展中心郭孟倫博士
- 分機:(03)571-5131 ext.35403
- Email: tonny@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
To promote the internationalization of our university and advance our institution as a multilingual-friendly learning environment, the Center for Teaching and Learning Development / Center for English Medium Instruction Excellence at National Tsing Hua University is launching the "National Tsing Hua University English Medium Instruction Professional Development Mentoring Pilot Program." The purpose of this program is to facilitate professional growth activities in EMI teaching for our faculty through the mechanism of teacher communities, and to achieve mutual assistance, knowledge exchange, and sharing through the support of experienced teachers to less experienced ones. This program will provide subsidies for community management and EMI course development costs, rewards for the creation of English teaching materials, reduction of teaching credit requirements, financial support for EMI operations, and rewards for EMI teaching cases.
Eligibility: Full-time and part-time faculty of our university (including contract teachers), comprising at least one full-time teacher serving as the community convener and one senior teacher (mentor) who meets one of the following criteria: has at least 3 years of experience in English-medium instruction, has participated in more than 20 hours of professional training in English-medium instruction at this or other institutions, or has experience in English-medium instruction mentoring.
Application Method: Complete the registration form and apply online at https://www.surveycake.com/s/xbmbe
- Application Deadline: Please complete the application by April 14, 2024 (Sunday). This form must be filled out personally by the applicant, and any inaccuracies in the content will be the responsibility of the applicant.
- Program Duration and Expense Verification Deadline: From the approval date until July 31, 2024 (Wednesday).
- Final Report Submission Deadline: August 30, 2024 (Friday).
- Document Link: https://reurl.cc/nrbVLe
- Organizer: Dr. Tonny Menglun Kuo, Center for Teaching and Learning Development
- Extension Number: (03)571-5131 ext.35403
- Email: tonny@gapp.nthu.edu.tw