
2024 NTHU Undergraduate Academic Poster Competition


NTHU Undergraduate Academic Poster Competition

恭喜獲獎同學!Congratulations to the Award Winners!

Rewards Name 姓名 Department Title
Winner Ranchana Khamtha 嬌旭殷 International Bachelor of Business Administration Program  Social Enterprise
First Runner-up Matthew Timothy Handoyo 陳豪光 IBP Business Management New age of AI: Future of human employment
First Runner-up Chiao-Yi Tsai 蔡喬伊 Department of Power Mechanical Engineering How SpaceX catches starship?
Second Runner-up Yuyi Chang 張又懿 Tsing Hua College Safer strategy for building against fire and smoke
Second Runner-up Yu-Tung Hsieh 謝宇彤 Department of Engineering & System Science Material surface adsorption-an first principle approach
Second Runner-up Li-Hao Wang 王立皓 Department of Electrical Engineering Ag-PMMA-ITO Memristor Devices
People's Choice Yusi Chang 張宇希 Department of Biomedical Engineering & Environmental Sciences 3 methods of electrophysiological assessment
People's Choice Ssu yu Chou 周思妤 Department of Biomedical Engineering & Environmental Sciences Learning how to trap Liposome with vortex
People's Choice Tsanwei Yu 于璨瑋 Department of Chinese Literature Reflecting on Taiwan's cultural economy through the lens of K-pop: The next step
Finalist Chi-Fang Chou 周祺芳 Department of Computer Science Is it real trump singing? Analysis of voice feature extraction
Finalist Yi-Hsiang Chen 陳奕翔 Department of Engineering & System Science Thermal migration in advanced electronics: a miniaturization-induced effect
Finalist Shou-Feng Chang 張守豐 Interdisciplinary Program of EECS Unlocking the future of imaging with terahertz ptychography
Finalist Celine Chen 陳詩瀅 Department of Chemical Engineering Engineering the future: the intersection of chemical engineering and semiconductors




競賽目的Competition Purpose


Develop students' ability to use English for research and scientific communication, to promote students' in-depth understanding of the terminology of their majors, and to enhance interdisciplinary knowledge exchange.


Participants: Open to NTHU undergraduates from all disciplines

競賽主題Competition Theme









Contestants will introduce any specialized terminology or theme in their field of study. Selected theme may include, but are not limited to:

- Advanced technologies (e.g., Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain)

- Theoretical concepts (e.g., Quantum Mechanics, Darwin's Evolutionary Theory)

- Laboratory equipment (e.g. TEM/SEM Microscope, Mass Spectrometry)

- Popular topics (e.g., Ethical Dilemmas of Self-driving Cars, Genome Editing)

- Academic history (e.g., History of Western Philosophy, Baroque)

- International award-winning research projects (e.g., Gravitational-wave Observatory, mRNA Vaccine Development)

The purpose is to enable a broad audience to understand the educational and scientific research value of your report or its significant impact on the development of today’s society.

競賽形式Competition Format

  1. 初選First Round
  1. 製作一張橫式150cm*120cm靜態等比例海報檔案(限1頁),以圖文並茂的方式介紹主題內容,海報文字需使用英文Produce a horizontal 150cm*120cm static equal scale poster file (1 page only; in English) to introduce the theme content in a graphic manner.
  2. 英文口頭說明海報內容並錄製一段連續影片。影片不能剪接且不超過5分鐘,畫質、聲音力求清晰可辨。Explain the content of the poster verbally in English and record a continuous video. The video must not be edited and must not exceed 5 minutes. The clearer the video and sound, the better.
  3. 海報主題內容必須與參賽者主修學科內容有關,並環繞所選術語或主題。The theme of the poster must be related to the participant's major subject and its content must revolve around the chosen terminology or theme.
  4. 1021日前填寫報名表並上傳影片與海報檔案至:https://forms.gle/vsUzEJYZyYYCRA8w8 Fill out the application form and upload the video and poster files by October 21st: https://forms.gle/vsUzEJYZyYYCRA8w8
  5. 報名1031日決賽觀賽https://forms.gle/mHe3C13NtBxZX5NG8 Sign up for attending the Final Event on Oct. 31st: https://forms.gle/mHe3C13NtBxZX5NG8

  1. 決賽 Final Round:
  1. 由初賽者中遴選20位進入決賽,主辦方將以150cm*120cm尺寸列印決賽參賽者的海報,於10/30-11/6期間展示於旺宏館穿堂。After selecting 20 participants from the first round, the organizer will print the poster of the finalists with a size of 150cm*120cm and display it in the lobby of MXIC Building from 10/30 to 11/6.
  2. 1031日下午3:30-6:0020位決賽參賽者將按照隨機次序分別向兩組評審以全英文口頭說明海報內容,每次報告不超過5分鐘,報告結束將有簡短問答環節。每組評審由3位來自各領域的教師組成,每位參賽者將獲得6位評審的評分,以總分高低決定最終名次。若總分同分則由評審討論決定排名。On October 31st, from 3:30pm to 6:00pm, 20 finalists will present their posters orally in English to two groups of judges in random order, with each presentation lasting no more than 5 minutes, and a short Q&A session at the end of the presentation. Each group of judges consists of 3 teachers from various fields. Each participant will receive scores from 6 judges, and the final ranking will be determined by the total number of scores. In case of a tie, the Judging panel will determine the final ranking.
  3. 參賽者於非向評審正式報告的時間,可自由與現場師生互動交流,並由現場觀眾評選出3位人氣獎。When participants are not presenting to the judges, they will be free to interact with teachers and students on site, and three people’s choice awards will be selected by the audience.

  1. 競賽規則 Competition Rules

a.初選First Round

  1. 初選影片必須為連續影片,使用全英文報告,且不超過5分鐘,畫質、聲音清楚。製作影片時,允許調整畫質、音質效果,允許將海報剪輯到錄製好的畫面中,允許調整檔案格式,除此以外不可使用其他剪輯方式。違反規則將取消比賽資格。影片檔案不超過200MB, 可接受MP4, MOV, WMV格式。The preliminary video must be a continuous video, in full English, not exceeding 5 minutes, and with clear picture quality and sound. During the production of the video, participants are only allowed to adjust the picture and sound quality, edit the poster into the recorded screen, and adjust the file format. Violation of the rules will result in disqualification. We accept video formats in MP4, MOV, or WMV; and video file sizes should be under 200MB.
  2. 海報必須為靜態簡報,以一頁為限,不可插入動畫或網站連結。Posters are limited to one page and must be static, with no animations or links to websites.
  3. 報告時歡迎且鼓勵使用肢體語言,但不可以使用道具、特殊裝扮、實驗器材、動畫特效、聲音特效等,違反規則將取消比賽資格。The use of body language is welcome and encouraged, but the use of props, special costumes, experimental equipment, animation effects, or sound effects is not allowed, and violation of the rules will result in disqualification.
  4. 本次競賽著重個人創新,將有條件開放AI使用。除校正英文文法、文句潤飾之需用外,禁止使用AI工具(包含AI生成圖片)。若有使用AI工具,學生需在報名表單中簡要說明所使用的AI工具及使用範疇。若經查核使用AI工具超出允許範疇或使用卻無在報名表單中標明,將取消比賽資格。This contest emphasizes personal innovation and strictly limits the use of AI. The use of AI tools (including AI-generated images) is prohibited, except for the correction of English grammar and the polishing of sentences. If AI tools are used in the content, students are required to briefly describe the AI tools they used and the scope of use in the application form. Exceeding the permitted AI using range or AI using is not indicated in the application form will also result in disqualification.
  5. 影片中不必特別介紹簡報人的個人信息或簡報主題,以免佔用錄製時間,評審將以報名表單中的資料為參考依據。It is not necessary to introduce the presenter's personal information or the topic of the presentation in the video, the judges will use the information in the application form as a reference.

***影片錄製建議Recommendations for Video Recording***錄製影片時,可使主講人位於畫面左方或右方,錄製後再將簡報剪輯置於畫面另一側;或主講人站立於簡報投影屏幕側方,同時將簡報和主講人錄製到畫面裡。建議使用光線充足、背景乾淨、無嘈雜聲音的環境錄製影片,可由同學、朋友、家人幫忙錄製。可利用圖書館空間預約系統,選擇簡報練習室等空間進行錄製。When recording the video, you can place yourself on the left or right side of the screen, and then edit the poster on the other side of the screen after recording; or the presenter can stand on one side of a projected screen so that you can record the poster and the presenter at the same time. It is also recommended to record the video in a well-lit environment with a clean background and no loud noises and have your classmates, friends, or family members help you. You can also use the NTHU Library Space Booking System to select a space, such as a presentation practice room for recording.

b.決賽Final Round

  1. 初賽繳交之影片將由各領域教師組成之委員會審查並選出20位決賽入圍者,主辦單位透過email通知入選同學並確認能否參加決賽。若無法參與1031日現場決賽者將由次高分數者遞補。決賽名單將於1022日公布於EMI中心網站並通知入圍者。Videos submitted for the first round will be reviewed by a committee of teachers from various fields and 20 finalists will be selected. The organizer will notify the selected students via email and confirm their participation in the final round. Those who are unable to participate in the on-site final on October 31st will be replaced by those with the next highest scores. The finalists will be posted on the EMI Center website on October 22nd.
  2. 主辦方將以隨機方式決定20位入圍者的決賽報告次序,每位參賽者需準備5分鐘以內的全英文報告,於決賽現場分別向兩組評審老師做簡報報告(每位同學將報告兩次),回答評審老師臨場提出的問題,現場將有計時員提醒簡報時間。The organizer will randomly determine the order of presentation for the 20 finalists. Each participant is required to prepare a full English presentation which is less than 5 minutes, present to two groups of judges (each student will present twice), and answering questions raised by the judges. There will be a timekeeper on site to remind the presentation time.
  3. 決賽中亦不可使用道具、特殊裝扮、實驗器材、動畫特效、聲音特效等,惟以主辦方提供之紙本印刷海報(150cm*120cm)為報告主體。Props, special costumes, experimental equipment, animation effects, or sound effects are not allowed to be used in the final round, and only the printed poster (150cm*120cm), which the organizer will be in charge of setting up, can be used as the core subject of the presentation.
  4. 2組評審老師之比分匯總後,將選出一等獎1名,二等獎2名,三等獎3名。現場也開放其他老師、同學參觀,對參賽者之簡報內容提問,觀眾將票選出3位人氣獎。After summarizing the scores of the two groups of judges, one first prize, 2 second prizes, and 3 third prizes will be selected. The venue is also open to other teachers and students to have open discussions with the finalists, and the audience will vote for 3 people’s choice awards.
  1. 評審標準Grading Criteria
  1. 海報1-7 Poster 1-7 Points
  1. 創新、美觀、語言精煉、圖文並茂 Is the poster innovative, aesthetically pleasing, well-spoken, and well-illustrated?
  2. 呈現學科背景、所報告之主題的學術和科研價值或對當今社會發展的重要影響 Does it present the participant’s academic background and the academic and research value of the subject? Or does it present a significant impact on the development of today's society?
  1. 口頭報告 1-7 Oral Presentation 1-7 Points
  1. 報告語言流暢、表現力強、主題闡述清晰、邏輯架構清楚 Whether the report is fluent and expressive, with clear presentation and logical structure?
  2. 報告是否呈現該學科之學術和科研價值或對當今社會發展的重要影響 Whether the report demonstrates the academic and research value of the discipline or its significant impact on the development of today's society?
  3. 報告所用語言是否適合其他學科的聽眾,是否表現簡報者對簡報主題的熱忱,是否成功吸引聽眾的注意力 Whether the language used in the presentation is appropriate for an audience of other majors, demonstrates the presenter's enthusiasm for the topic, and succeeds in capturing the audience's attention?
  4. 問答環節中是否能夠提出切題的回答,簡報者的臨場應變能力 Were the questions answered during the Q&A session? How well did the presenter cope with the situation?
  1. 競賽獎勵Prizes
  1. 冠軍一名one first prize:頒發獎狀及NTD 10,000元獎金Certificate of Merit and NTD 10,000 Award
  2. 亞軍兩名two second prizes:頒發獎狀及NTD 8,000元獎金Certificate of Merit and NTD 8,000 Award
  3. 季軍三名three third prizes:頒發獎狀及NTD 5,000元獎金Certificate of Merit and NTD 5,000 Award
  4. 人氣獎三名three people’s choice awards:頒發獎狀及NTD 3,000元獎金Certificate of Merit and NTD 3,000 Award