EECS Brown Bag Series 電資學院午餐分享會:10/25-11/28, Limited Slot 30/event


Speak English, Meet Friends, Enjoy Free Food!

開放清華大學校內人士報名 Open to all NTHU fellows.

每場限額30人,活動前會發確認信通知報名成功。Limit 30 people per session. A confirmation letter will be sent before each event to notify you of successful registration.

Series 1: Bilingual: "Is Being Bilingual Good for Your Brain?"
Date/Time: Oct 25th (Fri), 12:00 - 13:00pm

Location: Delta 104 (台達館)

Series 2: Cultural Journeys: Exploring the World Through Local Lenses
Date/Time: Nov 14th (Thr), 12:00 - 13:00pm

Location: Delta 104 (台達館)

Series 3: Health! What about it? (tentative)
Date/Time: Nov 28th (Thr), 12:00 - 13:00pm

Location: Delta 104 (台達館)


You may sign up for a single event or multiple events, but please make sure to come after signing up, so that we don't waste our resources!

報名連結Sign up here: